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Next.js - The Ultimate React Framework for Modern Web Development

The leading React framework, designed to streamline development workflows by integrating the most commonly needed web features into a single, powerful framework.

Meet Next.js

Built on React, Next.js offers built-in optimisations for images, fonts, and scripts, and supports both client and server rendering. With dynamic HTML streaming and advanced routing capabilities, Next.js has become the go-to framework for developers seeking to create high-performance, scalable web applications.

Why We Love It

Next.js continues to impress with its robust and evolving feature set:

  • Continuous Improvement: Regular updates keep Next.js at the cutting edge of web development.

  • Advanced React Features: Utilises React Server Components (RSC) and Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR).

  • Flexible Rendering Options: Supports Static Site Generation (SSG), Server-Side Rendering (SSR), and Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR), allowing you to choose the best approach for each page.

  • Zero Configuration: Get started quickly with minimal setup, supported by our own boilerplate called Acorn.

  • Edge Middleware: Enables advanced use cases like A/B testing and experiments.

  • Dynamic Routing: Seamlessly integrates with headless CMSs, offering smooth navigation and flexibility.

  • Enhanced Security: Provides application security with private serverless functions.

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Ideal Client Types

Next.js is perfect for:

  • Any Project: Its versatility and robustness make it suitable for a wide range of web applications, from small personal projects to large enterprise solutions.

Standout Features

Next.js boasts an impressive array of features that set it apart:

  • Built-in Image Optimisation: Automatically optimises images for faster load times and better performance.

  • Internationalisation: Built-in support for multiple languages and locales.

  • API Routes: Create backend functionality directly within your Next.js application.

  • Fast Refresh: Provides instant feedback for fast and efficient development.

  • TypeScript Support: Integrated TypeScript support for safer and more predictable code.

  • Next.js Analytics: Gain insights into your application's performance with built-in analytics tools.

For more details, explore Next.js features.

Transform Your Web Development with Next.js

Are you ready to take your web development to the next level? Partner with us to harness the full power of Next.js. Our expertise with Next.js and other leading frameworks ensures that your web applications are not only built efficiently but also stand out in performance and scalability. Let's work together to create a seamless, dynamic, and high-performing digital experience for your brand.

  • Climate-Positive Website - EFWA Accredited.
  • Ecologi.
  • SME Climate Hub.
  • The Green Web Foundation.