Content - the story so far...
"There's a bit of space to fill on this page" or "could you write in this content block we've just added?"
For anyone who's been a part of a new website build, this frantic back-and-forth will feel all-too-familiar.
But how can content - you know, your site's words, images and videos - actually serve an audience when they're treated like an afterthought?
It's simple: they can't.
Copy first or design-led?
In our opinion, there's no question.
Essentially, content that resonates comes from the relationship between copy and design. But that design can't feel "invisible" if your copy's been shoehorned in at the end.
That's why we take a content-first approach. We reckon this makes it so much easier to:
Design information architecture that makes sense
Build logical hierarchies for users and search engines
Affect usability, navigation, engagement and conversion
Optimising for humans (then bots)
It's no secret that Google rewards content that's user-centric - it's been going that way for a while. But it's also the right thing to do for customers. That's why we design and optimise for human eyes, designing a user experience that keeps readers on the page and interested.
Create engaging content like that and you won't have to worry about satisfying search engines; you'll forever be front-and-centre in their minds.
So whether you're trying to communicate a message, educate your audience or persuade them to consider your products ahead of the competition, the right blend of content's a recipe for success.
Cooking up content at Major
At Major, our experts can help guide your content throughout every stage of the project. We do this in a variety of ways:
Defining and organising information architecture and user stories - this is a creative collaboration between developers, designers, copywriters and the client, of course. And we never start designing until we've got a clear idea of the objective. After that, every bit of content works toward achieving the same goal - makes sense, right?
Blending existing assets with new content - but we don't have to reinvent the wheel. Instead, our in-house designers can get the best out of the assets you already have. All planned, plotted and meticulously measured in wireframes for a seamless customer journey. Looking to take things up a notch? We can do that too.
Embrace or elevate your brand identity - our team of channel experts can do this by adopting your existing brand guidelines or creating a whole new visual language; one that's designed to entice and inspire your users. This includes a compelling and consistent tone of voice across every header, content block and piece of microcopy. All guaranteed to give you that human touch modern users are looking for.
Design engaging visual experiences - our team will collaborate to create, source, upload and configure all your multimedia assets; whether that's design files, photos, animated GIFs or videos
Optimise every last detail - from the mobile experience to every last link and alt-tag, we'll ensure your site is fully optimised, accessible and appealing. Importantly, for both users and search engines.
The moral of the story
At Major, we understand that what you say and how you say it is just as important as your site's look and feel. So that's why we ensure every element is singing from the same hymn sheet to meet your goals and objectives.
Content isn't king anymore. Today, it's your key to the kingdom.