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Bridging the Accessibility Gap with Inclusive Design

Andy Whittaker headshot

By Andy Whittaker

10 min read

Close up of woman's eye, with digital noise overlaid

For far too long, disabled individuals have been neglected in the design process of many buildings, products, and services. This has resulted in a complex and inaccessible world for those with disabilities. However, with the rise of inclusive design, we are shifting towards a more accessible and inclusive future.

Inclusive design is the practice of designing products, services, and environments that everyone can access, understand, and use, regardless of their abilities.

This article will explore how inclusive design bridges the gap for disabled individuals, creating a more equitable and accessible world for all. We will delve into the benefits of inclusive design and showcase some examples of how it is implemented in the real world. Join us as we explore how we can all work towards building a 'better' future through inclusive design.

Understanding the Disability Divide

The world is not designed for people with disabilities. This is a reality that many of us fail to recognise or acknowledge. The divide between disabled and non-disabled individuals has been present for centuries. It is a divide that is not only physical but also social and economic. People with disabilities face barriers that are not experienced by those without disabilities. These barriers can be as simple as a curb that is too high or a door that is too narrow. They can also be as complex as a lack of education, employment, and healthcare access.

The disability divide is not limited to a particular region or country. It is a global issue. According to the World Health Organization, over 1 billion people, or 15% of the world's population, have some form of disability. This number is expected to increase due to population ageing and the increase in chronic health conditions. Despite this, people with disabilities remain marginalised and excluded from society.

The disability divide is not just an issue for people with disabilities. It is an issue for society as a whole. When we fail to design for everyone, we limit the potential of individuals and society. Bridging the disability divide is not just a moral obligation but a social and economic imperative.

The Current State of Accessibility

The current state of accessibility is far from perfect. While there have been massive improvements in recent years, many barriers still prevent people with disabilities from fully participating in society.

One of the most significant barriers that people with disabilities face is physical accessibility. Many buildings are not designed to be accessible, so people with disabilities cannot access them. The lack of physical accessibility can limit the ability of people with disabilities to participate in education, employment, and social activities.

Another barrier that people with disabilities face is digital accessibility. With the rise of technology, digital accessibility has become increasingly important. However, many websites and apps are not designed with accessibility in mind. This means that people with disabilities may not be able to use them. This can limit access to information, education, and employment opportunities.

Why does this happen?

Often, designers who do not have a disability or are not trained in accessibility fall foul of what is termed the "False-consensus Effect", and may not consider accessibility features while creating a product, service, or website, inadvertently excluding people with specific disabilities from using them effectively.

The Role of Cognitive Bias: False-consensus Effect

The false-consensus effect is a cognitive bias where individuals overestimate the extent to which others share their beliefs, values, characteristics, and behaviours. In the context of digital design, a designer without disabilities might assume that what is easily navigable or understandable for them is the same for everyone else, thus not considering the need for accessibility features.

To ensure an inclusive user experience, designers should adhere to an inclusive design framework, prioritising understanding user diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of the design process.

The aim of an inclusive design is to remove the barriers that create undue effort and separation. It enables everyone to participate equally, confidently, and independently in everyday activities. An inclusive design is not a one-size-fits-all solution but rather an approach that embraces diversity and inclusivity, aiming to adapt to the user's needs.

Embracing an Inclusive Design Framework

Adhering to an inclusive design framework, designers and developers can ensure that their websites or products are not only compliant with legal requirements but also provide an equitable user experience for people of all abilities. This involves considering accessibility from the start and throughout the whole design process.

In terms of website design, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) can serve as a useful resource, providing guidelines for making web content more accessible to people with various disabilities. The inclusive design approach also emphasises the importance of testing designs with diverse user groups to ensure they work for everyone, rather than making assumptions based on a "typical" user.

The Importance of Testing and Training

The awareness and understanding of accessibility issues is growing among designers, but there is still much work to be done. It's important for organisations to train their designers and developers in these principles, to conduct user testing with a diverse range of users, and to make the commitment to accessibility a core part of their design process.

The Role of Inclusive Design in Bridging the Disability Divide

Inclusive design is the practice of designing products, services, and environments that everyone can access, understand, and use, regardless of their abilities. Inclusive design is not just about designing for people with disabilities. It is about designing for everyone. When we design for everyone, we create a more equitable and accessible world for all.

Inclusive design is not just a moral obligation but also good business. By designing products, services, and environments that are accessible to everyone, companies can tap into a market that they may have previously overlooked. Inclusive design can also lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Inclusive design is not just about making things accessible. It is also about making things usable and desirable. Inclusive design goes beyond just meeting the minimum standards for accessibility. It is about creating products, services, and environments that are intuitive, easy to use, and aesthetically pleasing.

Examples of Inclusive Design in Practice

Inclusive design is being implemented in various ways in the real world. Here are some examples of inclusive design in practice:

The OXO Good Grips Utensils

The OXO Good Grips utensils are a great example of inclusive design. The utensils were designed with people with arthritis in mind, but they are also helpful for people without disabilities. The utensils feature a soft, non-slip grip that makes them easy to hold and use. They also have a large handle that is easy to grasp.

The Xbox Adaptive Controller

The Xbox Adaptive Controller is another excellent example of inclusive design. The controller was designed for people with disabilities but is also helpful for those without disabilities. The controller features large buttons and can be customised to meet the needs of individual users.

The New York City Subway System

The New York City subway system is an example of inclusive design in the built environment. The subway system features accessible stations, which include elevators, tactile paving, and audible announcements. These features make the subway system accessible to people with disabilities but also make it easier for everyone to use.

The Benefits of Inclusive Design on Society

Inclusive design has benefits that go beyond just accessibility. Here are some of the benefits of inclusive design in society:

Increased Innovation

By designing for everyone, companies are forced to think outside the box and develop new and innovative solutions.

Increased Diversity

Companies can tap into a more diverse customer base by designing for everyone. This can lead to increased creativity and innovation.

Increased Social Equity

By designing products, services, and environments that are accessible to everyone, we create a more equitable society. This can lead to increased social cohesion and a stronger sense of community.

Mastering Digital Accessibility: How Businesses Can Design for Accessibility

Digital accessibility is becoming increasingly important. Here are some tips for businesses that want to design for accessibility:

Use clear and simple language:

Keep the language simple and understandable. Avoid industry jargon, complex phrases, and unfamiliar acronyms that could make content inaccessible to users with cognitive impairments or those who are not native speakers.

Ensure keyboard accessibility:

Ensure all features can be used without a mouse, via keyboard alone. This includes navigation, form inputs, buttons, and media controls.

Consider colour contrast:

Use sufficient colour contrast between text and background colours to assist users with colour blindness or visual impairments.

Provide alternative text for images:

This enables screen readers to describe images to users with visual impairments.

Implement captions and transcripts for audio and video content:

This supports users with hearing impairments and those who prefer to read content.

Avoid auto-play for videos and animations:

Auto-play can be disorienting for users with cognitive impairments. If auto-play is necessary, provide a clear, easy way to pause or stop the content.

Design with scalability in mind:

Allow users to resize text up to 200% without losing content or functionality.

Use semantic HTML:

Using the appropriate HTML elements for content gives screen readers the context they need to interpret the content correctly.

Make forms accessible:

Ensure that all form fields have associated labels, group related form elements, and provide clear error messages.

Avoid time limits:

If a process has a time limit, allow users to turn off, adjust, or extend that limit.

Ensure compatibility with assistive technology:

Test your digital products with various assistive technologies like screen readers, speech recognition software, and screen enlargement applications to ensure they are fully compatible.

Integrate accessibility into your design and development process:

Make accessibility a part of your routine, not an afterthought. Regularly check for accessibility as part of the design and development process, not just at the end.

Provide clear instructions and cues:

Ensure that your product is intuitive to use. Provide clear instructions, cues, and feedback to guide users through interactions.

Offer a variety of ways to access content:

This could be through a search function, a table of contents, or links to related content.

Keep testing and iterating:

Regularly test your digital products with users with various abilities and disabilities to ensure the accessibility and usability of your products.

Create an accessibility statement:

Show your commitment to accessibility by providing an accessibility statement on your website, detailing your commitment to accessibility and providing contact information for users who encounter accessibility barriers.

This list is based on the principles and guidelines provided by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), a widely accepted standard for digital accessibility.

The Future of Inclusive Design and Its Potential to Transform Lives

Inclusive design transforms lives. By designing products, services, and environments that are accessible to everyone, we create a more equitable and accessible world. The future of inclusive design is bright.

As technology evolves and new solutions are developed, we expect to see even more innovations in inclusive design, resulting in a better future, for all.

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